It’s not perfect yet

Working in the field of creative writing can be quite a daunting task, especially if you’re a perfectionist.

Sometimes, you write piles of drafts which don’t amount to much, and get tangled up in a mental mess of exhaustion. That’s the thing about second guessing yourself.

I remember once giving a colleague who was a graphic designer ideas which I thought were ‘fantastic’, and ‘original’ for a certain project, only to find out that the ideas had been depicted before.

Isn’t there anything new under sun?

Sometimes my mind conjures up otherworldly ideas, only to getter zapped into reality by realizing that someone else had thought of them before.

We rack our brains for the ‘outlier’ of an idea; something that will send shockwaves around the globe, just to find out that that drop in the ocean, was just that- a drop in a tsunami of similar ideas.

The way I’m getting through this ‘drought’ of ideas, is to jot down all the crazy, whimsical, torrential ideas that flow through my way, and maybe, just maybe, I will discover my outlier of an idea.

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